
My name is Helen and I have started this blog to get discussion going around how to deal with the trauma that comes from being entrapped, treated unfairly, bullied, marginalised in ways that are often invisible.  Seeking positive comments and stories that come out of hardship, constructive advice rather than a place to vent.

I believe self-expression is an important part of life, especially in regards to healing, which is how I came up with the title for this blog.   Hopefully I can sing via this blog, and I’d love to hear your chorus and any verses you’d like to add.

1 Response to About

  1. BackstageBetty says:

    My marriage was like being Rapunzel in the tower. I could look out on life, but when I tried to join it, he built thicker walls. I escaped with my toddler and found our life in the wilderness so much happier and secure. Or so I thought. After the hardest work was done and my toddler was nearly out of childhood my former captor, aided and abetted by the authorities was able to lure the child back into his castle, and thereby tether me to it’s ugly perimeter. I’ve remained strong and kept myself there for my child, showing him there is life outside the tower. My toddler is almost a man now and it’s a joy to see him increasingly choose life over entrapment. Patiently holding a torch for him has had rewards. I’m nearly free again and wonder how we can expose those who abuse with weapons of the heart and mind, and the agencies that are their naive co-conspirators. I can’t sing. I’m a backstager, but I hear your tune.

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